i like you and i am not like you

I Like You and I Am Not Like You® is an opportunity to explore self & others’ awareness. This program brings about an appreciation of real diversity based on judgment-free understanding and higher productivity.

Some previous participants have called the workshop: “Awareness on Steroids”.

According to the objectives, the context, and sometimes the partner’s global preference of using one tool or another, we use the MBTI® or the Insights Discovery® Model.

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Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate
— Carl Jung

Objectives & Takeaways:

  • Individually:

    • Increased self-awareness and self-acceptance with flaws and strengths

    • Understanding and respecting of the others

    • Ability to manage self and adapt to others

  • Collectively:

    • A new sense of diversity in teams and groups

    • A forum of common understanding of each other in real settings

    • Mapping the team

Covered Discussions:

  • Engaged discussions and illustrations of the different personalities based on Carl Jung

  • Usage of a personality profiling tool, MBTI® or Insights Discovery®

  • Multiple activities for awareness and adaptation of self

  • Personal profiles and reflections


Typically includes:

  • Using MBTI:

    • Option 1: 5 virtual sessions

    • Option 2: 2-day live workshop

  • Using Colors:

    • Option 1: 3 virtual sessions

    • Option 2: 2-day live workshop

Delivered also:

  • As part of a bigger developmental program

  • 1-day, focusing only on awareness, without the adaptation

  • ½ day, as a quick fun fix


  • All levels, all functions

  • Maximum number of participants:

    • 15 for face-to-face delivery

    • 12 for virtual delivery